has sprung at the WorkShop! What you can do this
month: create custom yard art at Gnome Gnight,
sign your kids up for Summer Camp, make the best Mother's Day gift ever,
start a club, and more!
Not Your Grandmother's
Yard Art - Gnome Gnight!


Gnomes. Before they were shills
for a travel Website they were a great piece of kitschy yard art.
We've also learned, through extensive research, that they are actually "the
most important of the elemental spirits." Now we feel
embarrassed for underestimating the importance of these little guys. To
help spread the word about the importance of gnomes, The WorkShop, in conjunction with the Austin Glitterati,
are hosting Gnome Gnight - your chance to make
your very own custom Garden Gnome to brighten your corner of the world.
We really don't want to end up with homeless gnomes, so please visit our
Website to pre-select your gnome. We have an assortment of your standard
garden-variety gnomes (arr, arr)
in various cute and cuddly positions. (Actual gnomes will vary from that
picture to the right.)
Get Your Gnome
Mother's Day


Ever since she hung your crayon-covered masterpieces on the refrigerator
she's been a true fan of your artistic endeavors. Moms love handmade
stuff. At the WorkShop, we're here to help
ensure that your handmade treasures are the absolute best. We have
projects for all ages and skill levels, and invite you to come and create
the best Mother's Day gift ever. Dads! Bring the kids for a special date
and make a gift for mom (how about a plate and coffee mug on which to
serve her breakfast in bed?) Moms! Grandmas LOVE handprint mugs...they
told us so! Or, why not get a babysitter and come in for a little
"you" time?
Ideas for
Mother's Day Projects
Summer Camp!


The WorkShop is pleased to present Summer Arts &
Crafts Camp forr children ages 6-9 and 10-12.
Campers will make crafts in a different medium each day, and enjoy a mini
workshop on a variety of interesting and fun subjects, such as magical
creatures, Texas, and folktales.
Sample crafts include: clay windchime, beaded
bookmark, decoupage mirror and more. It's affordable and lots of fun!
Make Your Kids
Happy Campers
Start a Creativity

Do you ever wish you had more time to
spend with friends? Do you feel stressed out, unmotivated or just
generally blah? Then why not start a creativity club with some of your
friends? The premise is simple: you meet once a month to do something
creative. It's a great way to stay in touch, to get those creative juices
flowing, and it gives you something fun and relaxing to look forward to
when the workweek is wearing you down. The Work*Shop can help you get
your club started, just ask.
Read More
Recurring Events
at the WorkShop

In addition to our awesome special
events like Gnome Gnight and the Martha Release
Party, The WorkShop hosts a variety of
recurring events. You can check our calendar for details, but here's a
quick summary:
Monday evenings: Demonstration Derby
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon: Make Me A Story
Alternate Tuesday and Thursday mornings: Seasoned Citizens Day
Friday evening: Friday Fun Fest
Sunday: Dudes and Donuts
Don't forget: our craft of the month for April is handpainted
paper lanterns.
Look at the
Spotlight: Lata's Tea For One

by traditional
Mendhi designs Lata spent many hours
covering this tea for one with elaborate and beautiful peacocks, flowers
and stars. A speckle paint background matched the detail glaze color,
making the overall piece as elegant as it is ornate. Click on the photo
above to see the rest of the piece.