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"Anyone can make the simple complicated.
Creativity is making the complicated simple."
-- Charles Mingus


walk-in crafts: ceramics

The art of ceramics and pottery goes back more than 30,000 years, to a time when our Stone Age ancestors discovered how to bake clay figurines or vessels in bonfires or simple kilns. Today, through the use of improved clay and glazes, it is easy for even a complete beginner to produce an outstanding piece of art.

It is easy to create a beautiful, long-lasting pottery piece:

You'll find that painting ceramics offers you the chance to socialize, or to just have some quiet time. We find it very therapeutic!

Or, grab a handful of our Longhorn white clay and build your own bisque pieces? This project will require a second trip to paint after your initial bisque firing, but the end result can be something super cool.

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